Jason Sorrell

Remembering Jason Sorrell

Hell gains another devil: one of our Satanist friends is gone forever. On February 22, 2021, tattoo artist, Occultist and Satanist Jason Sorrell passed away unexpectedly in his home.

Jason was born in Fort Wayne on July 27, 1972 and it was his search for the truth about theology and spirituality that drew him to his lifetime with the Occult.

Early Life and Career

His father was a very progressive man who encouraged his children to explore the concept of religion and develop their own ideas. For Jason, Christianity was just another set of myths but he felt that these myths had some basis in fact. He studied other myths as well but his main focus always remained the search for truth.

Jason was not only a well-known occultist but also a brilliant artist. He studied drawing and illustration at Purdue University in Ft Wayne Indiana, and became a celebrated tattoo artist.

Jason’s work as a graphic artist was influenced by his childhood love of comic books. His father invested in a dozen subscriptions and Jason would read them after his father had. His favorites were Spider Man and Conan the Barbarian comics. Jason had always enjoyed drawing but the comic book art really held his interest.

Planning on becoming a comic book artist, Jason was already drawing his own comic book adventures by the fifth grade. Over the years, he gradually become more influenced by underground comics, graphic novels and found inspiration in erotica as well. But, over time, the comic book trade had evolved to become more corporate and mainstream. Jason was more interested in underground comics and graphic novels, instead.

While at Indiana University’s Fort Wayne Campus, Jason took classes in drawing, figure-drawing, water-color, oils, airbrush, photography, digital imaging, website design, illustration, metal-working, print-making, sculpture, computer graphics… anything that would give him another creative tool to use in his art.

Jason served his country in the US Army as a field artillery specialist, spending several years in Germany. Jason recalled that it was in Europe where he flourished with his studies of the Occult and where he met some of the “least sane and most brilliant people he was ever privileged to meet”.


jason sorrell at work
Jason Tattooing

His artwork was also mostly influenced by heavy metal illustrators, skate art and tattoo art. While in basic army training, he was requested to design a tattoo for one of his drill sergeants. While in Europe, Jason spent a lot of time at tattoo shops, making some money on the side with drawing designs.

Jason’s Work in Satanism

Psychology, linguistics and ritual magic were also among his interests. For decades, Jason described himself as a Satanist, but in his later years found that the idea of being a Satanist was muddled by people claiming to be Satanists with their own definitions. The term Satanist was meant to shock others into believing there are more values, morals, and behaviors than the accepted ones. Jason felt he eventually outgrew that and considered the term ‘Individualist’ something that described him better. He explained in his ‘Dimension of Excellence’ interview with Warlock Asylum that he would not really need a word to describe himself, other than in communication with others.

Jason was also a co-host on The Ooze BlogTalkRadio which describes itself as a “multimedia assault upon the mainstream’’. Both entertaining and informative and sometimes tongue in cheek, The Ooze addresses a multitude of topics, such as Satanism, Sexuality, Lovecraft, Left Hand Path, Occultism, Black Magic, Personal Transformation and much more.

Both his love of art and his knowledge of the occult can be seen in his work ‘The Black Tarot: Path of Spiritual Empowerment’. This work provides a unique look at the Tarot not only as a tool for divination, but also a tool for introspection. Through The Black Tarot, the individual is encouraged to discover who they truly are, enabling them to seek independence and understanding.

Jason also wrote under the name Ego Diabolus. He was well known in the Satanic, Pagan, Occult, and Witchcraft communities, where he has written essays and produced art for over twenty years.Some of his most notable books are:

The Baphomet Codex, The Devils Due: A Collection of Satirical Essays on Politics, Religion, the Occult, and the Human Experience, the Jason Sorrell Coloring Book for Adults, The Tattoo Apprentice guide, Visual Crimes: The Collective Work of Jason Sorrell, and Sell Your Art, The Creative Oddities Studios Way (all available at Amazon)

Jason’s involvement with the Satanic community began with the Cult of Cthulhu, where he met fellow Satanist TC Downey. After a fall out with the Cult of Cthulhu Jason and his partner TC joined the Satanic International Network, which Jason described as “a social network, a place where those with the proper disposition and mental fortitude can experience what is offered by Satanists in all its forms, from the very best to the very worst”.

Jason believed there are different forms of Satanism, while all being correct, some more relatively correct than others. He mentioned that the term Satanism is often used by people who are in fact more Pagan or Wiccan than Satanist.

He also described the iconoclasts as, in his own words: “people to whom Satanism offers no means to accomplish anything, so they are left with nothing but the effort to entertain themselves by tearing down the efforts of others. They have all the ear-marks of Satanism; self-reliance, fierce Individualism, an aversion to authority, the urge to manifest their will… but they lack any sense of direction and see any sense of direction in others as a threat to themselves. Direction in other Satanists high-lights their own short-comings.”

In Jason’s view, the pro-active Satanists are the most promising ones. To quote: “These are the Satanists that stand as Individuals, but recognize that in order to bolster their Individualism, they need to stake a claim in the direction of our society and species. They recognize that Satanism is about “vital existence”, and they work along three lines; self- development, establishing an example through their efforts for others and the working toward mutual benefit, and working for the development of Satanism as a philosophy. They tend to avoid the forums unless there is some need for them to be there, and are more often expressing their Satanic Will in some manner in the real world rather than on the internet. These are the Satanists on the cutting-edge, the ones nudging the whole society toward that potential that exists but is denied.”

Jason Sorrell Art at Redbubble

The Satanic Community has lost one of their greatest and most interesting members. May the legacy of Jason Sorrell live on in his art and his books, inspiring many others on the path of Satanism and the Occult.

Obituary at Austin Chronicle https://obituaries.austinchronicle.com/obituary/jason-sorrell-1081840875 accessed 1/14/22
Interview with Warlock Asylum https://warlockasyluminternationalnews.com/the-dimension-of-excellence-interview-with-jason-sorrell-co-host-of-the-ooze/ accessed 1/14/22
Jason Sorrell’s Library of Books https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/creativeoddities/ accessed 1/14/22
Jason Sorrell’s Book, The Baphomet Codex (Available at Amazon) accessed 1/14/22
The Ooze Radio Show https://www.blogtalkradio.com/theooze/ accessed 1/14/22

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