Updated links for Satanism, Setian, Demonolatry & Luciferian Individuals and organizations, including websites and blogs. These are established sites with ongoing educational resources. Here you can explore the various people that are manifesting the Left Hand Path today!

Satanism & Demonology

Satanism Sites, Blogs & Organizations – Listed here are organizations and people that focus on Satanism, whether it is theistic, spiritual or atheistic. These are some of the more well known people and organizations today in Satanism

Satan’s Den – Hosted by Zalbarath, a place for Theistic Satanists and Demonolators.

In Satan’s Honour – Theistic Satanism & Demonology Site hosted by Marie Ravensoul

Spiritual Satanist Website – SpiritualSatanist.com Hosted by Venus Satanas, independent Satanism

Spiritual Satanist Blog – Hosted by Venus Satanas, current events and opinions on Satanism

Theistic Satanism – Site created by Diane Vera, focused on Theistic Satanism

Church of Satan – Official website for the Church of Satan

Satanic San Fransisco – Community Building, Political Activism,  Individual Liberty

Satanic Views – Blogging on current events in Satanism, hosted by James Hind

The Gospel of SatanThe Gospel of Satan: the Satanic perspective on Jesus tales, from the rise of Anthropos out of matter, to the rape of Mary, the death of Yeheshua, and the flight of Yahweh.

SatanService.org – An informative wiki covering real Satanism, religious Satanism, history of Satanism, Satanic sociology, and Satanist philosophy

Satannet – Networking site for atheistic Satanists (the undercroft)

Satanic International NetworkThe most active and popular social networking site for Satanists



Listed here are Luciferian websites and blogs, run by individuals or those who represent churches and organizations. Luciferians who are part of the Left Hand Path, consider Lucifer to be a liberator, a source of enlightenment and knowledge.

Assembly of Light-Bearers (Formerly, Greater Church of Lucifer) – We look towards our future and mission with spreading Luciferianism among like-minded individuals

Theistic Lucifierian Education – Theistic Luciferianism website. Become more educated about Satanism and the Luciferian path.

Neo-Luciferian Church – Gnostic Luciferianism in the tradition of Rt. Rev. Michael Bertiaux


Setian organizations and websites, dedicated to the knowledge and philosophy of Set. Setian religion and philosophy was first created by Michael and Lilith Aquino.

Temple of Set – the original. The official site of the Temple of Set. Introductory essays provide an overview of Setian philosophy, ethics and practice.

The Setian Philosophy – From the Arcane Archive, a page about the philosophy of the Setian movement

The Devils Advocate: Interview with Dr. Michael Aquino – An interview with Dr. Aquino, a highly honored former member of the United States military who founded an expressive and controversial new religion

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