American Airlines Offers Apology To Customer Who Wore A Satanic Shirt

Flying the Not So Friendly Skies

american airlines apology

Does a company have the right to let their employees decide what is acceptable? In this latest incident American Airlines offered an apology to a customer who was almost removed from a flight simply for wearing a shirt that said “Hail Satan”.

In October, the passenger Swati Runi Goyal was traveling from Miami to Las Vegas, when she was brought to the front of the plane by airline attendants. They asked her to remove the “Hail Satan” shirt or she would not be able to take her flight.

On Goyal’s twitter she posted:

“On Oct 30th, when flying @americanair from Miami to Las Vegas, I was asked to deplane or change my shirt. The crew humiliated me in public.” Using the hashtags #ACLU, #NotSoFriendlySkies, #Discrimination and #ReligiousFreedom.
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